Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We went camping for 3nights/4 days. I didn't eat healthy at all. Not one bit and now I feel all nasty and bloated. I'm kicking myself for straying so far into unhealthy choices. I haven't been to the gym since last Wednesday, because we left Thursday morning and then I came home on Sunday with a gnarly cold. So tomorrow marks a week away from the gym. Boooooo! I crave my workouts, if I dont do them I feel imcomplete and totally not satisfied. Friday is back at it though. I should feel well enough to actually go and get a nice and good ass whooping from my fav torture artist. Woot! Let's just preface by saying that coming home from vacation feeling like shit from eating horribly and having a cold blows so hard. so. freaking. hard. The whole damn fam got sick while we were camping. Thursday we though Cal was having a bought of nasty seasonal allergies, then by Saturday we knew he was full blown sick, then Saturday Wyatt got it and slept the whole day away. Josh got a sore throat the same day and then that night I started getting that nasty tickle in my chest alerting me to something awesome brewing in there. oh well, it was still fun until Sunday morning when we had to pack up and go home. We ended up leaving the campsite by 10am and we were home by noon. Thank goodness. Anywho, that's all the update I can think of right now.