Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I gave up..

That isn't what it looks like!!! I promise! I gave up on my Nutritionist, she just wasn't doing anything for me. Pfft, who needs her when I have Scott!!! I see him almost everyday and I work with him 3x per week.

The nutritionist gave me some good info, but Scott really knows me. He's taking the time to help me. I've lost more weight doing what he tells me to than I ever did seeing the Nutritionist. Doesn't that say something? Anything??

Scott is such a great motivator. Not only is he my trainer, but he's my great friend. It's nice to know that I can trust him, and that I can talk to him like a good friend and not feel weird about it.

We have an odd relationship, it's great and I love it though! Having a good relationship with your trainer is crucial in success, in my opinion. How can you be comfortable with eachother if you don't have that relationship? He's committed to helping me and I am letting him.

He knows that I'm in it to win it. I am getting closer to my goal every single day. My success is thanks to him. I've lost 41lbs. How awesome is that??

This post is random rambling of everything, but I can't concentrate enough to put a decent post together if I wanted to. So here you go!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

7 years!

Yesterday was our 7 year anniversary. It was a good day, I totally busted my diet, but it was worth it! I didn't eat anything super bad so I don't feel one bit guilty.

We went and saw our pup Samson, and we went to Applebee's for lunch with the boys. We got the internet at home a couple weeks ago for our present to each other. I'd rather have that than anything else. I use it everyday and it just wasn't cutting it on my phone. Since it's a "dumb phone", one day I will have a smartphone again.

It's been great these past 7 years, we havea nice house, 2 wonderful boys & soon to be an adorable pup at home. Samson will come home in about 6-7 weeks! Here's a pic for your enjoyment!!

He's half husky mix and half hound!

Friday, August 26, 2011

I have a goal

Well, I've had a goal in mind for a long time, but now that I am seeing things work, it's becoming more of a reality. It's nice to know that things can happen and I will one day soon see my goal come to life.

So, with this new eating plan, I should drop about 5-7lbs a week. So that means I could potentially lose up to 40lbs in 8 weeks. That would be super awesome.

I just have to keep at it and not cheat. It's getting easier now that I have a few different choices. I can always use my other meal plans to supplement if I get bored. It's nice to have options.

Honestly, there were a few days where I just wanted to break down and cry because I didn't think I could do it. I know that I can now. It's hard and I want to cheat every freaking day but I am being good.

I want to be thin. The few things I want really bad are 1: not to have to worry about a liver transplant in 5-10 years, 2: to be here for my kids 3: to be able to shop in the womens section, not the womens plus. I want to be able to wear clothes that don't look like a 90 year old woman should be wearing them. I really want clothes to lie flat on my skin and not have nasty rolls showing through.

I am on my way to all this! I can't wait for it to finally become a true reality!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I've struggled..

When I did before, I didn't feel so guilty about screwing up. Now, I definitely have a guilty conscience. Yes I know everyone has their weakness. It's hard to deal mentally when you did so well the first week. Then feel like a failure the next week.

I cannot call myself a failure because I haven't weighed yet, but I don't feel like i did good. I don't feel like I lost any weight, which probably isn't true because it could just be a small amount. I don't know. I am having a hard time, and sometimes I don't feel like Josh understands what I am going through mentally.

Feeling guilty for no reason is one of my personal side effects from depression. I get anxiety and can't sleep over things. I think it might be time to talk to the good old doc again. Guess I'll be making an appointment today.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first week..

It went amazingly well. I only have a few more days left on this particular diet. But the first week I knocked it out of the park and I lost 11.25lbs in 7 days! How awesome am I? I swear I have the willpower of a champion. Josh and the boys ate normally and I ate whatever Scott told me I had to eat. I can't complain because it worked!

I am now officially down 33.25lbs.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have the willpower of a champion

The other night, I so lovingly made my husband and children burritos for dinner. I smelled the deliciousness and even helped them make their burritos. Then I sat down at the table and ate my blah fish, sweet potato, and green beans.

I keep telling myself this diet is only temporary and that in a week or two I will have more options. It's so fucking hard but I will prevale and I CAN DO THIS!

Today is a really bad self image day. I am going to post pictures of what I look like now. I'm being a brave woman. Posting my fatass on the interwebz for all to look at and mock me.

So here it goes.

So there I am! This is me as of today. I will do this weekly so I can bring you guys along my weight loss journey and you can see my progress too.

My current weight is 231.25lbs. I weigh again on Monday. So hopefully I'll have some good news to report since I've been on this new program.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First day down

Let me just tell y'all that my diet is so boring right now. I would making it interesting if I knew how. I can't use the seasoning I normally would to make things taste good. So for now I'm eating just to fuel my body and nothing else. All the enjoyment has been taken out of my food.

Honestly, this is exactly what I need. Since Scott is putting all this work into helping me, I don't want to disappoint him. I actually succeeded in eating 6 times yesterday, which is a biggianthuge point for me. Most of the time I feed my kids and forget to feed myself. It was really hard to see the boys and josh eating super delicious looking and smelling burritos for dinner last night.

I will not make my family eat the way I am. Especially the boys, their diet can handle it. They don't have a life altering disease. I must take care of myself.

This isn't just for my benefit, it's for my family too. I want to be there for my boys. I want to have more babies. Losing weight and getting healthier are priority in the equation. I don't want to have to have a liver transplant and be stuck on antirejection meds for the rest of my life. No bueno!!

Well, cheers to the beginning of the end of Fatty Liver Disease. You will die and I will defeat you. You bastard disease!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Body Blueprinting

Ladies and gents, this is my new weight loss adventure. I am Scott's guinea pig for this.

Basically it's a REALLY specific eating plan and we're targeting my main areas that I need to lose weight in.

It is not easy, not one bit. There's extremely minimal carb and a lot of protein and greens. Here's what my 6 day meal plan is:

3oz of turkey breast
1/2 grapefruit or 1/2c mxd berries

Mid morning snack:
3oz tuna
1c of greens

2oz fish
1/2 med yam
1c greens

afternoon snack:
3oz tuna
1c greens

2oz fish
1/2 med yam
1c greens

there's also an evening snack which is optional, we'll see how I feel in the evening.

evening snack:
2oz turkey
1c greens

Yes, I know this looks like I am eating a lot of the same things, that's because I am.

Wait for the best part, oooo wait for it..

No salt and/or condiments!!!!

The end goal is for me to lose the weight and be happy and healthy. I am fairly happy and I'm pretty close to not having FLD anymore. I go see my GI on the 16th of Aug for a follow up with b/w and what not. So hopefully we'll get good news at that appointment or shortly afterwards.

I will struggle and I will have a hard time keeping on track but I know I can do it!!