Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I now have something new to lose weight for

I have come to the realization that I am not done having kids. I really want another one. I have a fierce desire for it. I think this one might be worse than when I wanted to start TTC with Caleb.

Josh and I talked about it yesterday. He definitely said he wants another one and he wants to be done having kids by the time he's 30. He's 28 now.

I want to be at a healthy weight before we start TTC again. Lord knows how long it'll take or if I am going to have to go back on the Clomid bandwagon. I hope not but I'm not setting any special expectations for myself either. Wyatt was concieved without meds, I TTC with him for about 4-5 months. Yeah, Caleb took 14 months with 3 rounds of Clomid before he came into existence. So we'll see how things go. I am not sure when we'll start but I'm hoping within the next 6-8 months.

Well there's my confession for now. I really want another baby. Like bad.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

I just want to say thank you to our past present and future miltary men and women! My Dad and Uncle were both in the Army and I have known other various people who give their lives to keep us safe! You are wonderful brave people! I appreciate everything you do for us, day in and day out.

You fight our wars, and protect America! You all deserve far more than you get..

Thanks again for everything you do!

<3 <3 <3 Much love

Friday, May 27, 2011

update of sorts

A couple of weeks ago my knee started hurting, I thought Meh, it's just sore and it'll be better in a couple days. Fast forward to a week and a half ago, waking up and barely being able to get out of bed. I finally drug myself to the dr, where she sent me off to have xrays done. Doclady thought my meniscus was torn. Uh oh! Well, after like 5 days of waiting for my xray results, the nurse finally called me and said that it's minor soft tissue swelling, no tears! Woot, but let me tell you, this swelling feels a whole hell of a lot more than just minor.

Don't get my wrong, I am super happy that it's not something more serious, the lord knows that. I'm just tired of icy hot, ice, aleve, and heating pads. For reals. And I'd like to be able to kick ass at the gym again.

I've gotten so into the gym and my workouts that it's really bothering me that I can't go in there and give 250% like I was. I know it will heal and that I will be to that point again but damn it I want that right now.

I am an emotional eater, I am struggling with my knee, and I am having a really hard time coping and not running to fridge for some carb loaded goodness. I have slipped a few too many times. I will admit that. IT'S REALLY FUCKING HARD!!!

I plan on going to the gym tomorrow morning, and kicking ass on the elliptical. Since I know it isn't torn I am free to get on the machines again, just as long as it doesn't hurt my knee. Which the elliptical hasnt bothered me one bit! IAMSOFREAKINGEXCITED to see that machine again. ahhhhhh! It's my addiction, a guilty pleasure of sorts.

Wooooo! Ok, so there's my update. Talk to y'all again soon. Very soon!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Someone noticed.

Yesterday when I got to the gym for my workout with Scott, I went up to him while he was working with another client just to let him know I was there.

We chatted for a sec. I went and did my thing with stretches and whatnot and then Scott comes in and we did come crossovers and some ab work.

Then we got to my fav part, weight lifting. While we were taking a small break he tells me that his last client asked him how much weight I've lost because it looks like I've lost a lot of weight. That makes me feel amazing and really boosts my ego. I felt great about myself after I left the gym yesterday.

Not only did someone notice my weight loss but I did something I have been so scared to do since I hurt my ankle. I got on the treadmill and I ran. AMAZING! It makes me feel so good. It would have been better if I didn't have a pounding headache while I was doing it because that made it a little hard to enjoy it. I totally plan on running every time I get on the treadmill.

There's my update for now. Woohoo!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mr. Elliptical. My BFF

The elliptical is my go to machine at the gym. I don't feel like I get a good workout on the treadmill. I can burn more calories and push myself so much harder on it.

Yesterday, I treated myself to a mothers day workout. I went did my normal stretch routine then I got on the elliptical. I was commited to going longer than I ever had before. Let me tell you people! I DID IT! I stayed on the elliptical for a whole hour!

In that hour I burned 878 calories and went 4.70 miles. AhMAZING! I am so super proud of myself for this. Woot! I beat my personal best by 10 whole minutes. Now my goal will to be to go further in an hour.

Stayed turned for my measurements and body fat update! I will do that later tonight!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Great workout

Yesterday I had a session with my favorite torture artist, Scott! He's amazingly awesome. For reals. I really feel like I am getting results and I am so super happy about them.

On Monday we are going to test my body fat and measure me again. I CANNOT wait to see the progress I've made in the last 5 weeks. It's super exciting and I know it's going to be great. I can see a difference in myself already. My face is thinner and my legs are more toned, I think my waist is a little smaller too. We shall see on monday though.

I've been rockin' it 5 days a week at the gym. I am super proud of myself. Scott is too. He gave me a t shirt as a thank you for working hard. He says I'm one of the hardest working girls he trains right now. Which totally makes me feel awesome! He's a great motivator and he keeps the workouts fun.

I beat the punching bag to a pulp yesterday and it was hard but kinda fun. Then I did metcon. Oh how I love thee. NOT! But it does make a difference. It really gets your heart pumping and I do sweat my balls off lol.

I did step ups, with 2 15lbs dumbells, then I did a squat/shoulder press thing with the same weights. I did kettle bell swings and situps. Then I did 35 minutes on the elliptical. I worked my ass off. On days I don't work with Scott I get on the elliptical for 45ish minutes. I am rocking it and I am so proud of myself.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm having a bad diet week.

I just don't feel like I'm doing good with the way I'm eating this week, I keep forgetting to feed myself breakfast and lunch hasn't been going that great.

I'm really struggling with what to eat and how to prepare it. We all know I know how to eat. That's no secret lol.

Sigh. I will get the hang of this and I will prevail but for now. I suck.