Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I realize that I am having a really hard time breaking old eating habits. I'm suppose to be keeping a food journal for my nutritionist and I fail big time.

I am dreading the weigh in this week. I was reallysuperfreakingbad with my diet this weekend and I don't want to face the music if I gained weight. Seriously Lindsey, why can't you get your shit together?

We'll see I guess.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


That's where I am at right now. I was hoping it would be more by now but I'll take what I can get honestly. I can't be disappointed because I am losing the weight, just slowly.

I am seeing a new nutritionist in hopes that we can get on the same book and the same page. Yea, the last one was ok but she just wasn't doing it for me. This one actually helped me with a meal plan and seeing me weekly to hold me more accountable. The plus side. It only costs 20$. Thats actually only a one time fee too. Woot!

I'll keep y'all updated on my progress.