Friday, April 22, 2011

Low carb, High Protein

Holywow. I am having a hard time getting motivated, I need to eat a lot healthier. My trainer is helping with nutrition stuff too. As well as my nutritionist. My god it's a tough adjustment to make. One thing I can say is that I haven't drank a pop in over 2 weeks. That's HUGE for me.

I went to the gym 5x this week. Woot for me. I have been doing 30m straight on the elliptical and it's hard but i get through it. I think by 20 minutes i might die but I make it through the next 10 with no problems. I really really really really really like my trainer. He's the most kickass guy ever. I am so glad that I get to train with him.

So far I think I'm down 13lbs. Which is super exciting.
I'm suppose to consume 2400 calories a day because of how much I am working out.

I am struggling with everything except the exercising.

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