Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First day down

Let me just tell y'all that my diet is so boring right now. I would making it interesting if I knew how. I can't use the seasoning I normally would to make things taste good. So for now I'm eating just to fuel my body and nothing else. All the enjoyment has been taken out of my food.

Honestly, this is exactly what I need. Since Scott is putting all this work into helping me, I don't want to disappoint him. I actually succeeded in eating 6 times yesterday, which is a biggianthuge point for me. Most of the time I feed my kids and forget to feed myself. It was really hard to see the boys and josh eating super delicious looking and smelling burritos for dinner last night.

I will not make my family eat the way I am. Especially the boys, their diet can handle it. They don't have a life altering disease. I must take care of myself.

This isn't just for my benefit, it's for my family too. I want to be there for my boys. I want to have more babies. Losing weight and getting healthier are priority in the equation. I don't want to have to have a liver transplant and be stuck on antirejection meds for the rest of my life. No bueno!!

Well, cheers to the beginning of the end of Fatty Liver Disease. You will die and I will defeat you. You bastard disease!!!

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