Yesterday I had a session with my favorite torture artist, Scott! He's amazingly awesome. For reals. I really feel like I am getting results and I am so super happy about them.
On Monday we are going to test my body fat and measure me again. I CANNOT wait to see the progress I've made in the last 5 weeks. It's super exciting and I know it's going to be great. I can see a difference in myself already. My face is thinner and my legs are more toned, I think my waist is a little smaller too. We shall see on monday though.
I've been rockin' it 5 days a week at the gym. I am super proud of myself. Scott is too. He gave me a t shirt as a thank you for working hard. He says I'm one of the hardest working girls he trains right now. Which totally makes me feel awesome! He's a great motivator and he keeps the workouts fun.
I beat the punching bag to a pulp yesterday and it was hard but kinda fun. Then I did metcon. Oh how I love thee. NOT! But it does make a difference. It really gets your heart pumping and I do sweat my balls off lol.
I did step ups, with 2 15lbs dumbells, then I did a squat/shoulder press thing with the same weights. I did kettle bell swings and situps. Then I did 35 minutes on the elliptical. I worked my ass off. On days I don't work with Scott I get on the elliptical for 45ish minutes. I am rocking it and I am so proud of myself.
That is awesome! I hope you're taking pictures and measurements to see the changes!